United in Pride

United in Pride: Celebrating World Pride Day

Celebrating Pride Month on the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

(Remembering LGBT+ refugees whose voice is often silenced)

In June, we dance in colors bright,
In rainbow hues, we claim the night.
For every heart that dares to be,
We celebrate our unity.

With joy and love, we raise our voice,
In every song, in every choice.
To all who shine, both near and far,
You are perfect as you are.

To LGBTIQ folks and friends,
Our pride, our strength, our love extends.
In every heart, a flame burns true,
For all the colors that are you.

Stand strong, endure, and face the day,
With courage that won’t fade away.
For every tear, for every fight,
There comes a dawn, a brighter light.

In unity, we find our might,
Together, we can turn the tide.
With open arms and spirits high,
We lift each other to the sky.

So here’s to love, in every form,
To weather every passing storm.
To bonds of friendship, family ties,
We stand together, proud and wise.

A joyful heart, a spirit free,
That’s what pride will always be.
With hands held high and voices clear,
We celebrate, year after year.

The Pride event in Kakuma Refugee Camp, July 2023, that for one moment brought Kenya into the civilised world.

Happy Pride Month Message

To all LGBTIQ people and families, we wish you a very happy Pride Month! Embrace your strength and stand tall against any adversity. Let love, unity, and brotherhood guide us, as we celebrate who we are and the beautiful diversity within our rainbow family. Together, we are unstoppable. Happy Pride! From Joseph

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STOP PRESS: We remember the Stonewall riots occurred in response to police violence against LGBT+ people a generation ago. However, we should also remember that today, the situation is no less terrible for many people around the world. Yesterday, our friend and poet, Joseph, was a victim of police violence and he is currently in hospital where he will hopefully recover after his ordeal. To Joseph from all your fans who love your poetry and the spirit of pride and optimism that it represents, your rainbow family and allies send their love and best wishes for a quick recovery.

This blog ©2024 Geoff Allshorn. Remembering also my three other LGBT+ friends in Africa who have been attacked by homophobes this week.

4 thoughts on “United in Pride”

  1. I admire your commitment to the rights of African gay men. Humanist values. Hope you leave a little time for things that you enjoy and don’t weigh down on you.

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